Posts tagged boreal birds
Canada Invests $340 Million in Indigenous-led Conservation and Stewardship

“This is the largest federal investment in Indigenous-led stewardship to date, and we welcome the Government of Canada’s commitment to partnering with Indigenous Nations on conservation and stewardship,” said Valérie Courtois, the Director of the Indigenous Leadership Initiative.

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Keeping Track of These Boreal Nomads Is Notoriously Difficult

Boldly yet delicately colored in swaths of yellow, salmon, frost white, or raspberry, the beauty of winter finches is a welcomed sight to what is often a pallid landscape across the northern tier of the United States. We are transfixed by their annual movements, particularly their incredible irruptions outside of their expected ranges, in search of food. There is no question about it, winter finches are both beautiful and wild. It is their very essence.

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