UN Report & Indigenous-led Conservation in the Boreal

It is exciting to see that in Canada’s Boreal Forest region, Indigenous governments are already working hard to do their part to conserve the land and its carbon stores—a vital part of slowing the impacts of climate change as described by the authors of this new IPCC report.

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Hill Times: It's Time for Canada to Think Big on Conservation

Incrementalism and business as usual won’t save the planet. We must take bold, ambitious action to conserve the diversity of life. Indigenous Nations are stepping forward with proposals for achieving these goals. It’s time to support their leadership and partner in conservation.

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Canada’s Best Opportunity to Conserve Birds is to Conserve the Boreal Forest

The report confirms that conservation and international cooperation can reverse declines in bird populations. Smart government policies like banning DDT and investing in wetlands restoration across Canada and the United States, for instance, have helped duck populations increase by 69% and geese by a whopping 360%.

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How Indigenous Peoples Are Protecting North America’s Bird Nursery

On this International Migratory Bird Day, my thoughts are drawn to the places many of the birds passing though my backyard are headed: the Boreal Forest. Known as North America’s Bird Nursery, the boreal attracts up to 3 billion migratory birds each spring. Most boreal bird nesting grounds are sustained by Indigenous Peoples.

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Glimmers of Hope in the Face of Sobering U.N. Biodiversity Report

In the face of the dire findings in the Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, the examples of Indigenous communities working to protect their lands—including across Canada’s Boreal Forest—provide a bright beacon of hope for the future.

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Poll Confirms Canadians Want Leaders to Think Big About Conservation

Now is the time for Canada to demonstrate conservation leadership, both on the international stage and here at home. The Government of Canada can do that by working in partnership with Indigenous Nations as well as with provincial and territorial governments to help make these Indigenous protected areas a reality.

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Indigenous Conservation Offers Model for International Leadership

At the Nature Champions Summit, Canada can demonstrate its support of Indigenous stewardship and showcase the leadership of Indigenous Peoples in conserving globally significant places like the boreal—the largest intact forest left in the world. By working together, Canada and Indigenous Nations can offer a model for the world of conservation rooted in respect, responsibility and reconciliation.

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Summit Showcases Opportunity to Conserve Nature on a Large Scale

Within Canada’s borders are some of the world’s most significant biodiversity features and carbon storage banks. By demonstrating how to protect and maintain those globally important natural assets in partnership with Indigenous Peoples, Canada can offer hope and inspiration to the world. The Nature Champions Summit will be the perfect place to begin turning that inspiration into on-the-ground solutions.

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National Guardians Gathering Celebrates Indigenous-led Conservation

Indigenous Guardians are caring for the land across the country. They are restoring animals and plants and managing protected areas. They are combining traditional knowledge and science and bringing youth and elders together. They serve as the “moccasins and mukluks” on the ground for communities, and their work helps conserve clean water and healthy land for all Canadians.

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Hill Times: Investing in Indigenous conservation delivers major social and environmental benefits

Australia shows how much can be achieved when governments make long-term investments in Indigenous Protected Areas and Indigenous land management.

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What Indigenous Rangers from Australia Can Share with Canada

A delegation of Indigenous land managers from Warddeken and other regions in Australia are traveling to Canada to talk about the transformative power of well-supported Indigenous-led conservation. This exchange is taking place at a crucial time.

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Top 5 Breakthroughs in Protecting the Boreal Forest in 2018

The effort to conserve the world’s largest intact forest gained new ground this year. Progress stretching from the Northwest Territories to Ottawa helped ensure Canada’s Boreal Forest will continue to sustain animals and plants, clean waters and communities for years to come.

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International Support for Dehcho First Nations and Indigenous-Led Conservation

The International Boreal Conservation Campaign welcomes the Wyss Foundation’s $1 billion commitment to help protect the lands, animals and waters that support life on this planet. IBCC applauds the foundation’s focus on supporting on-the-ground conservation work, in particular the Dehcho First Nations’ management of the Edéhzhíe Dehcho Protected Area/National Wildlife Area.

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Proven Model Can Help Canada Protect 17% of Lands by 2020

When Dehcho Grand Chief Gladys Norwegian and Environment and Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna sat side-by-side and signed an agreement protecting Edéhzhíe on October 11, they demonstrated the power of a new conservation model.

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Climate Change Poses Threat to Boreal Birds but Solutions Exist to Make Birds More Resilient

Many boreal bird species risk significant declines as a result of climate change, but a new report identifies areas of Canada’s Boreal Forest that hold the key to birds’ long-term survival. While conditions in some bird habitats are expected to shift, large landscapes within the boreal region will remain relatively stable. Protecting these boreal lands will offer birds the best chance to thrive.

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Conserving North America's Bird Nursery in the Face of Climate Change

The realities of climate change can be more than a little hard to deal with as we experience them and hear of them on a daily basis. That was true again this week when the International Panel on Climate Change released a report providing details about how critical it is that the amount of carbon in the atmosphere is lowered very quickly if we wish to avert some costly and tragic consequences.

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BSI President on Ministers' Meeting to Advance Conservation

Some of the biggest conservation opportunities are found Canada’s boreal forest. The boreal is the largest intact forest left on the planet, and Canada has a unique responsibility to conserve it. Indigenous Peoples are advancing innovative conservation plans in the region and partnering together is the most effective path forward.

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